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O U R  S T O R Y




" When you come to Low Kick, you're family. We pray before class, we laugh, we joke and we handle business. I promise to give you my very best. At the end of the day, I don't care what your record is or how big your gym is... without the students there would be no coaches."

GOD bless, Coach B.



Low Kick Camp Muay Thai & Fitness was established January of 2011 by Professional Fighter (Coach Bryan Carroll).
Prior to opening LKC Bryan conducted Muay Thai programs for various Combat Sport Gyms throughout Kansas and Missouri.
LKC started from very humble roots in a small 500sq ft loft with just a few heavy bags, striking pads and passion.
Within only a few months LKC outgrew its walls and was expanded to its current location in  the West Bottoms in downtown  Kansas City, Mo.

LKC is a traditional Muay Thai gym that focuses on teaching true Muay Thai; consisting of the 8 Limbs (fists, elbows, knees and kicks). The gym provides personal attention to each member during training to assure all members experience steady growth. Whether you want to become a fighter, learn self-protection or just get in great shape, this is the gym for you. We take training and achieving goals seriously but we always make room for a little fun! So if you’re looking to change things up, in a high paced, judgement free environment, come try a free class on us. We promise you wont regret it!!!

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